Monday, December 17, 2007


The use of bating in Hamlet takes place all over. Reynaldo is used to bate Laertes in France, Rozencranz and Guildenstern are used to bate Hamlet, Ophelia and Gertrude are also used to bate hamlet. Hamlet used the play to bate King Claudious. Basically the bating becomes a themes that doesn't end well. Reynaldo, well it doesn't matter what he discovered because Polonious is dead before he ever finds out what his son was doing in France. The reason Polonious is dead is because when Gertrude was bating Hamlet Polonious was behind a curtain and well Hamlet stabbed him. Ophelia get's yelled at and called a whore when she is used for bating and in the end she dies and it never mattered if Hamlet loved her or not. Whem Hamlet used the play to bate the king, claudious became determined to get rid of his nephew and in the end they all die, rosencranz and guildenstern included. Bating doesn't end well, spying and the use of deciet end in death or at least so it seems in Hamlet.

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