Monday, March 10, 2008

Girl Scouts

When we as a society send girls out to sell cookies to the masses we give them a message. I doubt most think about this fact, yet it still is a fact. Girl Scouts sell cookies for the good of their troops or the girls scout organization or whatever, it doesn't really matter what it is for, it just matters that they do. In a sense they are providing for their troop, which later in life translates to providing for their families or those they love. Apparently girls are thought of as the care takers and if a girl cannot provide for her "troop" how is she suppose to provide and take of her family when she is grown? A girl scout has no say in whether or not they sell their thin mints and tang-alongs just like most woman don't have a choice in providing for their families, it is something they have to do whether they want to or not. This is what society is telling young girl scouts unbeknowst to them.


On friday I had a conversation about what it really means to be angry with my 11 year old sister. It started with me asking what angry mean to her as she expressed her feelings about some kid. She said it was when your mad at some one and then said mad was when you were annoyed and then kept using the same words to describe other annoying which was obnoxious which became annoying again. Finally she called me annoying and left giving me strange looks. She couldn't describe what she meant. She had to resort to repeating herself over and over again. She thought I was crazy until we finished and I told her what was going on, then she laughed. The truth of the matter is she could not explain what angry really is with the words we are given to sigify our thoughts and feelings.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Writer or Viewer?

I think that the responsibilty of what people watch today falls inbetween. The writer should care about what he writes and whether or not it alines with what he believes, but today unfortunatly that does not seem to happen that often. Viewers, well most viewers are smart enough to figure out if they are watching somthing they should or not and they can't blame the writer for their viewing of the show. Writers are responsible for what they write in some way or another, but viewers can't blame them for their kids acting a certain way if they allowed their child to watch the show and then that child went out and copied the behavior. That is ineffitable. For all we know the writers wouldn't write what they write if they were held responsible and if viewers stopped watching the shows with inapproiate behavior they would stop writing it. It is a two way street and everyone who takes apart in the show, movie, book, or anything that someone has to write will be responsible in some way as to what they took in or wrote.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


When, we think about art and what is art, you have to take into consideration the artist. Yes, when the paiter or the potter or the writer sat down and started their masterpiece no one called it art except themselves. Yes, it is helpful if other's find it worthy of thier liking, but you don't need others to approve of it in order for it to be art. A two year old can scribble four colorful lines and and to the two year old and his or hers parents think it is not only the best art, but the coolest art to ever exist. Art is different to everyone and that is why we each indivulally decide what kind of art we like and how we express it, but you can't tell any kind of artist his art isn't art. Even if it's horrible it is still art. Anything mankind creates with his hands is art, liked or not.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


The break down of words into today's world literally doesn't mean anything. As Atwood says, "electricty skip that." Basically words are something we decided needed a common meaning, whether or not that was how it was in the beginning that is how it is today. No one cares if names are important, if we wanted we could change them in an instant, we don't understand the importance of a name and therefore can change it. If we can't explain what toast is we might as well say, "I am toast", but isn't that because we don't have the knowledge, not necessarily that it can't be explained. The breakdown of words is simply that we haven't learned how to articulate what needs to be said. None of what I said really matters though because in our world everyone says that toast could mean a koala or whatevevr else you want it to mean and the actual meaning no longer matters.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hyper Reality

Hyperreality effects everyone of us, in the area of music, food, and even phones.
"Hyperreality is a means to characterise the way consciousness defines what is actually "real" in a world where a multitude of media can radically shape and filter the original event or experience being depicted." What this is saying is that what the media tells us gives us an idea of what we think is real, but when we are given the actual product, in this case a cell phone, we find ourselves to be disappointed. This is the case with my phone, which was dipicted to me as a cute, music playing, phone with lots of cool features. As the t-mobile websites states, "The Nokia 5300 XpressMusic is the perfect marriage of music and style." When I say the phone on the web-site and how they advertise it it sounded like the best phone in the entire world, but I find you change your mind quickly when you're glad it's under warrenty and they've already sent you two new ones because the screens die.I've only had the phone since June and am finding that I regret the day I first thought my phone was so musically and stylish because I would give anything for my old phone back. It's obvious that not everything is as we see and the fantasy of the things we want aren't always the way the media protrays them to be.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Postmodern Crisis

As Christians we can't shun everything the world does or believes. We have to be in the world, yet not of it. In a sense we have to embrace parts of postmodernism, but not all of it because God "trumps" everything the world has to say. So fragmentation is all good, and mettafiction can still be entertaining, but there are absolutes and not everything is relative. What God says goes, but as long as a Christian understands that, then it's almost better that embrace parts of postmoderism because then we can relate to everyone, making it easier to share God's love. The rel crisis would be if christian's put up blinders to everything postmodern, said it was all wrong and everyone who thinks that way is going to hell. No one would listen and Christian's would look like, well... a goody two shoes who can't function in today's world; it would get the Christian community no where.