Wednesday, February 6, 2008


The break down of words into today's world literally doesn't mean anything. As Atwood says, "electricty skip that." Basically words are something we decided needed a common meaning, whether or not that was how it was in the beginning that is how it is today. No one cares if names are important, if we wanted we could change them in an instant, we don't understand the importance of a name and therefore can change it. If we can't explain what toast is we might as well say, "I am toast", but isn't that because we don't have the knowledge, not necessarily that it can't be explained. The breakdown of words is simply that we haven't learned how to articulate what needs to be said. None of what I said really matters though because in our world everyone says that toast could mean a koala or whatevevr else you want it to mean and the actual meaning no longer matters.

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