Monday, March 10, 2008

Girl Scouts

When we as a society send girls out to sell cookies to the masses we give them a message. I doubt most think about this fact, yet it still is a fact. Girl Scouts sell cookies for the good of their troops or the girls scout organization or whatever, it doesn't really matter what it is for, it just matters that they do. In a sense they are providing for their troop, which later in life translates to providing for their families or those they love. Apparently girls are thought of as the care takers and if a girl cannot provide for her "troop" how is she suppose to provide and take of her family when she is grown? A girl scout has no say in whether or not they sell their thin mints and tang-alongs just like most woman don't have a choice in providing for their families, it is something they have to do whether they want to or not. This is what society is telling young girl scouts unbeknowst to them.


On friday I had a conversation about what it really means to be angry with my 11 year old sister. It started with me asking what angry mean to her as she expressed her feelings about some kid. She said it was when your mad at some one and then said mad was when you were annoyed and then kept using the same words to describe other annoying which was obnoxious which became annoying again. Finally she called me annoying and left giving me strange looks. She couldn't describe what she meant. She had to resort to repeating herself over and over again. She thought I was crazy until we finished and I told her what was going on, then she laughed. The truth of the matter is she could not explain what angry really is with the words we are given to sigify our thoughts and feelings.